Conference Program

27 - 28 September 2022   |   Sheraton Dammam, Saudi Arabia
08:30 10:30

Session 1

2 Sessions

Process Safety Incident Investigation Workshop

The workshop objective is to show technical personnel how to perform an objective investigation to determine what happened in an incident and why. The course is oriented to incidents in chemical processing facilities and refineries. The prime objective is to teach the thought processes and methodologies of experienced investigators in determining immediate causes, underlying causes and root causes of incidents. The course will emphasize the key role the investigator plays for complete, accurate and detailed investigations, identifying, communicating and embedding lessons learned.


Roger Stokes

Principal Engineer, Baker Risk

Empowering Frontline Staff for Sustainable Process Safety Culture Workshop

Frontline staff, such as plant operators, operations specialist, and maintenance craft-persons, should and can take the lead on implementing and improving process safety. For this to happen, site Leadership must see the value in this approach and must support this delegation of responsibility and authority over the long term.


David Moore

President & CEO, AcuTech Group

William Bridges

President, Process Improvement Institute (PII)

10:30 11:00


11:00 12:30

Session 2

2 Sessions

Process Safety Incident Investigation Workshop

Workshop continues


Roger Stokes

Principal Engineer, Baker Risk

Empowering Frontline Staff for Sustainable Process Safety Culture Workshop

Workshop continues


David Moore

President & CEO, AcuTech Group

William Bridges

President, Process Improvement Institute (PII)

12:30 13:30

Prayer and Lunch Break

13:30 15:30

Session 3

2 Sessions

Process Safety Incident Investigation Workshop

Workshop continues


Roger Stokes

Principal Engineer, Baker Risk

Empowering Frontline Staff for Sustainable Process Safety Culture Workshop

Workshop continues


David Moore

President & CEO, AcuTech Group

William Bridges

President, Process Improvement Institute (PII)


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